Assignment 2: New Aquaponics for Urban Farmers

I love nature.

We are part of nature and have a great impact on it whether we realize or not.

Interestingly, I ended up with a quick exercise to design an aquaponic system for an old industrial building.

Basically, water from fish tank is pumped up to go through soil based greens and watercress on gravel as filters while nourishing them. cleaned water once again flows back into the tank. How wonderful.

Without defying the techtonics of the aged building, components are arranged to track the movement of the sun along the south facade. Large gesture of the overall arrangement shows flow of water throughout the building corresponding and mingling with natural light. New clearstory is added to allow more light to soil based greens.

The sunlight becomes quantified through modern technology: Autodesk Ecotect, analyzes sunpath, radiation, insolation in btus, or solar exposure. The software offers detailed analysis with graphs and report to aid decision making during design phase.

For new urban farmers and architects, various new tools are available.
To maximize renewable resources and preserve the world we live in, we must work together.

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